About Me
My name is Lauren Blake and I am the founder and owner of Blake Family Consulting.
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with ten years of experience working in family law with highly litigious families. My objective of assisting families that were stuck in the revolving clogs of the legal system finally came to fruition in 2021 when this practice was created. These businesses were built to address and support the gap that currently exists between mental health and family law. My practice focuses on providing trauma-informed collaborative care to high conflict families.
The following services are currently provided:
Mental Health Services
Co-Parenting Therapy
Reunification Therapy
Individual & Family Therapy
EMDR Trauma Therapy
Legal Services
Guardian Ad Litem
Parenting Time Coordination
Parenting Time Supervision
Our lives are a collective system of the people, biases, and life experiences surrounding us. If one part of the family system has fractured, the entire system functions incorrectly. While we cannot control the wounds that were given to us others, we are in control of finding healing from those hurts. If not processed and left unhealed, trauma can negatively impact your actions, worldview, and can be at the detriment of both you and your own family.
Contact me for a free fifteen minute consultation to see if I would be a good fit for your situation.