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My Services

Find Your Path to Healing Outside of the Courtroom.

Services are provided on a sliding scale between $100 - $250 per hour. Please contact me directly to discuss your situation and determine pricing based on your finances and needs.


I providing collaborative, solution focused therapy services for individuals, couples, families, co-parents, children, and adolescents. Reunification therapy and court-appointed therapeutic services are also available.

Specialized in trauma-informed care, I am familiar with a caseload that includes divorce, difficulties involving children and adolescents, co-parenting, domestic violence, sexual assault, and more.

Image by Austin Park
Image by Benjamin Manley

Parenting Time Supervision

Supervised parenting time should not take place in a cold, clinical setting. True relationship rebuilding should happen from the comfort of your home, local park, or favorite restaurant.

From two hour evening dinner visits, to mornings at your local play place, to full ten-hour week days, we can meet the needs of any parenting time schedule or arrangement. I am willing to ride in your vehicle, attend family events with you, and create a parenting time environment that is relaxed and comfortable. 

Supervised parenting time can be court ordered with reports and court testimony or voluntary between families wherein it may be beneficial to have a neutral third-party attend parenting time in lieu of court attendance.

Reunification & Emotional Support Services

If reunification services are needed but the child needs emotional support to allow for a safe and healthy transition in parenting time, allow me to build a relationship with the child before and during the attendance of parenting time. I will build rapport and trust with the child, create a space to communicate with the child individually throughout the session, and will assist them in reconnecting with their parent. Court ordered parenting time supervision is not a requirement for these services - this is meant to aid the child in parenting time transitions.

These services are typically involved in situations wherein parental alienation, domestic violence, or other high conflict circumstances have occurred.

Image by Mieke Campbell
Unbalanced Scales of Justice

Guardian Ad Litem Reporting and Court Testimony

If you are a Guardian ad Litem and feel you need an extra hand in managing a case, I'd love to connect with you. As a neutral third party, I am able to observe family encounters and provide basic reports, phone conferences, or court testimony regarding a child’s perspective and experiences. I am able to provide counsel on where improvements can be made and how to best proceed in a way that will satisfy the Court and provide peace to your families in need. When placed on cases wherein I report to the GAL directly, I am closely aligned with the child and can restrict communication with the parties and their counsel as needed to provide safe, unbiased services.

Parental Coaching

Many times a parent is not aware of his or her negative behaviors that are impacting their case - or how to adjust appropriately. For example, a father who has spent the majority of his child's life working to provide for his family may feel insecure about his parenting style, managing feeding times, or implementing a child's evening routine following his divorce. If his wife managed this prior to the separation, he may not be a bad father, but an insecure one. Should a parent present poorly during observation and reporting, I am available to provide coaching to the parent regarding proper familial behaviors and relationships. This can benefit an individual's case as I can report the client’s improvements and adjustments by way of reporting or court testimony. Should improvements not be made, my services may be left confidential.

Image by Devon Divine
Services: Services
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